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Flash Info September 2021 from the House of EU Parliament

Conference on the Future of Europe : How can we best face future challenges in Europe? What do students have to say? Join one of the events organised across the EU and debate with Members of the European Parliament and fellow citizens. Share your thoughts on the online platform. Your voice and your opinion is needed to move Europe into a brighter future!

Participate in the Parlement européen des lycéens : the European Pupils' Parliament will bring high school students together to encourage them to think about the future of the European Union, debate international issues and propose solutions to common challenges. Application deadline: 30.09.2021. is a pan-European community that encourages young people to participate in democracy. By joining up, students have the chance to participate in debates and trainings, and also to organise initiatives themselves. Encourage them to be part of this exciting adventure. Empower them to join the conversation for a better European future. Check it out!

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