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Cultural Political Economy Audit Terms and Conditions

Open access to research data means that by default data can be accessed on equal terms and used with minimal restrictions for academic research and teaching purposes and beyond. Research data constitute primary sources that underpin scientific research and enable the derivation of theoretical or applied findings. Data should be prepared for open access in a form which would enable future users to assess and understand them for the purposes of reuse.


In terms of facilitating open access from the beginning of a project, the basic strategy of research data management planning and actual research data construction is to actively start proper research data management planning early to avoid significant problems later in the data creation phase. This includes care for establishing a protocol for data collection, care during the collection and creation of data, and finally the preparation of data for analysis. Furthermore, ethical obligations, selection and appraisal of data with long-term value for preservation should be taken into account.


Social Sciences deal primarily with data about individuals and other potentially sensitive or disclosive data. As part of responsible research practice, Researchers are obliged to work in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, as well as respect research community codes. Ethical codes recommend protecting participants against possible harm or distress, assuring participation by obtaining informed consent and respecting disciplinary methodological standards. Any participant in a research project has to agree to participate. Consent could be given in the written or verbal form. Special attention should be paid to the preparation of the informed consent form and accompanying information sheet when conducting qualitative interviews, creating audio and video content, or when research involves sensitive subjects and groups e.g. children, medical studies, crime and workplace studies.


Depositing research data with JM CHAIR is not necessarily a singular activity, but normally involves the mutual exchange of information through negotiation about those details required to fulfil the data acquisition process. JM CHAIR provides counselling, instructions and tools which make data preparation and deposition processes easier.


Research data creators have to ask themselves what can be done to assure the usability of the data even after the end of the project. Based on the information provided and a review of offered materials JM CHAIR will evaluate and assess if data are suitable for acquisition. Emphasis will be placed on their scientific value as well as their future usability for different purposes and potential users.


The evaluation of fitness for further use is crucial and is also based on the rarity of either data type or topic in the existing catalogue of a data centre. Formal criteria such as formats, appropriate data documentation etc. are obvious preconditions for data re-usage, without which data could be useless for future users. Completeness of data, supporting documentation and provenance, and any recorded changes are important for the continuity of digital preservation which is taken over by an archive. In the case of a positive evaluation, JM CHAIR and the depositor agree to make necessary provisions for distribution. This includes editing documentation and data in accordance with international standards and preparing the final version of the dataset and the study description. As a final step, the researcher approves that the data and accompanying material are valid before it is published in the catalogue.


Appendix under construction:

  1. Innovation Audit Tool

  2. Interview guidelines

  3. Interview consent

  4. Audit Tool consent

1. Restrictions

These data files are available without restrictions, provided:

a) that they are used for non-profit purposes;

b) the data files themselves are not redistributed;

c) the collected data will be sent to JM CHAIR, in order to be published on the on-line Platform provided by JM CHAIR.

d) correct citations are provided and sent to the JM CHAIR for each publication of results based in part or entirely on these data files. This citation will be made freely available;


2. Correct citation


3. Disclaimer

These data files are available AS ARE.


4. Limitation of Liability

Under no circumstances and under no legal theory, tort, contract, or otherwise, shall the producers of these data files be liable to you or any other person for any indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages of any character including, without limitation, damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any all other commercial damages or losses.

In no event will the producers of these data files be liable for any damages, even if the producers of these data files shall have been informed of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any other party. This limitation of liability shall not apply to liability for death of personal injury to the extent applicable law prohibits such limitation. Furthermore, some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation and exclusion may not apply to you.



1. Consent Form for Data Collection

Please consider this information carefully before deciding whether to participate in this research.


What you will do in this research: If you decide to volunteer, you will be asked to participate in one interview. You will be asked several questions. With your permission, the interview will be tape-recorded. You will not be asked to state your name on the recording.


Time required: The interview will take approximately 1.5 hours.

Risks: No risks are anticipated.

Benefits: This is a chance for you to tell your story about your experiences concerning the topic of the global impact of long-term grand strategies of the European Union.

Confidentiality: Your responses to interview questions will be kept confidential. At no time will your actual identity be revealed. You will be assigned a random numerical code. Anyone who helps the researcher transcribe responses will only know you by this code. The recording will be stored in an archive by the researcher conducting the research. The transcript, without your name, will be kept until the project is concluded and according to the Grant agreement of the JM CHAIR award conditions.


The data you give us will be used for a project report on the long-term strategies state of the art in the respective country and may be used as the basis for articles or presentations in the future. Additionally, your responses will serve as the basis for future project-related work. Your name or information that would identify you will not be used in any publications or presentations.

Participation and withdrawal: Your participation in this study is completely voluntary, and you may refuse to participate or withdraw from the study without penalty or loss of benefits to which you may otherwise be entitled. You may withdraw by informing the interviewer that you no longer wish to participate (no questions will be asked). You may skip any question during the interview but continue to participate in the rest of the study.

To Contact the Researcher: If you have questions or concerns about this research, please contact: [researcher's name, address, phone number, and email address]. You may also contact the project coordinator supervising this project: prof. Borut Roncevic, Faculty of Advanced Social Studies Nova Gorica,



The nature and purpose of this research have been sufficiently explained and I agree to participate in this study.  I understand that I am free to withdraw at any time without incurring any penalty.


Signature: _____________________________________     Date: __________________


Name (typed): ________________________________________________

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