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Field trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina 2021

The Faculty of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica is part of the Jean Monnet Chair project led by Prof.Dr. Borut Rončević, organised a field trip - excursion to Bosnia and Herzegovina, from 6 to 9 December 2021. The excursion was attended by external stakeholders as well as students of the Faculty of Media and the Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto. The route was planned towards Sarajevo and back to Slovenia on the last day via Mostar.

After arriving in Sarajevo, the participants visited the campus of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Sarajevo and the war tunnel Sarajevo and the Butmir military base Sarajevo - EUFORBIH. Among other things, the Sarajevo War Tunnel was sometimes called the D-B Tunnel, as it connected two positions of the Bosnian army - Dobrinja and Butmir.

On Wednesday, December 8, participants went on a tour and presentation of HUB387 and Mistral Technologies. HUB387 is a workspace that provides young entrepreneurs with a stimulating environment for developing and realisi business ideas, Mistral Technologies is a start-up-like relaxed work environment, where they are primarily engaged in mobile application development and UI / UX design. The excursion ended on Thursday 9.12. with a visit to Mostar, where they visited the INTERA technology park, whose main goal is to promote and support developmental economic processes, and walked around their premises. On Thursday, 9.12. the participants completed a 4-day visit to BiH and returned to Slovenia.

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