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5th ISA CNA Conference. Social Transformation and Sociology: Dispossessions and Empowerment

#ISACNA2022 5th ISA CNA Conference. Social Transformation and Sociology: Dispossessions and Empowerment.

The first day of the ISA CNA conference brought new insights and new perspectives on sociological phenomena.

We are hosting a little less than 50 countries and a little more than 50 representatives who, in addition to their presentation topics, will be able to take advantage of the conference, this gathering and a more detailed discussion about the challenges they face in organizing their scientific communities and connecting sociological research with the wider society.

The second day of the conference was quite eventful, as the lectures were held parallel in two lecture halls. Topics included international and critical sociology, the construction and fragmentation of society, generation and gender justice, we also touched on the issue of state legitimacy, law and violence.

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