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Women in history, history of women - “Carte blanche” tours

Monday, 8 March 2021 – 18.00-19.00

Livestreamed via YouTube

On International Women rights’ Day, explore European history with historians who will talk about the impact that gender relations, female emancipation and feminism have played in the past, in a way that has shaped the present. Our guest historians will turn into guides on this special day and enrich the House of European History's permanent exhibition with new perspectives and stories.

The event will take place online, follow the tours live on the House of European History YouTube channel. Please register at this link.

18.00 Tour by Fabrice Virgili, France, National Centre for Scientific Research (in French)

18.30 Tour by Alessandra Gissi, Italy, Naples University (in English)

Introduction by Christine Dupont, curator

Moderation by Blandine Smilansky, events coordinator

Alessandra Gissi is associate professor in contemporary history, University of Naples “L’Orientale.” After studies at the Universities of Rome (La Sapienza) and Amsterdam, she obtained a PhD in Women’s and Gender history from the University of Naples. Her areas of specialization include Italian and European history (history of reproductive bodies and policies, history of midwifery, history of abortion, history of International Women’s Day and feminisms). She is also interested in history of intellectual migrations between the two World Wars and female migrations after IIWW. She has been an editor of Genesis, journal of the Società Italiana delle Storiche (The Italian Association of Women Historians). Currently she is an editor of journal Italia Contemporanea.

Fabrice Virgili is Director of Research at the CNRS (national centre for scientific research) and head of the Gender & Europe theme of the Sorbonne research unit - Identities, International Relations and Civilisations of Europe. He has been working for several years on gender and world wars and in particular sexual violence. He is a member of the editorial board of the magazine CLIO Femmes, Genre, Histoire, and is the author of numerous books including Les Françaises, les Français et l'Épuration. De 1940 à nos jours, published in 2018 by Gallimard, and Viols en temps de guerre (2011) [Rape in Wartime, 2012], a collective work published by Payot. Several of his works have been translated into English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Swedish and Greek.


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